Tag Archives: Jillian Anderson

Friday January 22nd, 2016

When I’d gone to bed, I’d set my phone to “Do Not Disturb” as usual but added my dentist’s number to the very small exception list. The practice opened at 9am and I’m rarely awake at that time so didn’t want to miss a call if it came early.

As it happened, despite going to bed at 2:30am and reading for a while, I WAS up and about when the call came at 9:05am – and they could fit me in at 11am !

Once there, the dentist said the large chunk of enamel that had broken off the crown hadn’t exposed the tooth underneath. He took an x-ray to check the tooth was still healthy (which it was) and as this was just a sort of quick emergency appointment and I could eat as normal for the weekend, he told me to make a proper appointment for Monday as it would take 30 mins or so to remove the rest of the crown and fit a temporary one. Then another appointment for 2 weeks after that when the new crown would be created by the lab and ready to be fitted.

And that’ll be about £150 thank you very much !  Oh the pain, the pain.


In another super spooky coincidence, my 1970 diary entry for today also mentioned the same crown.

I went to the dentist after 4pm but found Leahy had beaten me to it.  He was in till 5pm so all I got done was my gold tooth smoothed off. I also asked if my new wisdom tooth was growing straight and was the terribly holed tooth I’m to get crowned next week, dangerous. All was well.”

So at least that entry shows my memory was correct and the crown that chipped yesterday WAS 46 years old, minus a day.  Of course it also shows my teeth were in a bit of a state !

The Leahy in question was Mr. Leahy, a lay teacher from the school; my English teacher and the only teacher I actually liked.  According to the diary, we spent 2 periods (2 x 40mins) checking out the geographic references in Matthew Arnold‘s “The Strayed Reveller“.  I’ve just looked it up and I can see why I hated poetry back then and still do. I even found a video on YouTube where some guy reads the whole thing in the most boring, pretentious drawl that I had to give up on after a couple of minutes. If I hadn’t known he was being serious about it, I’d have assumed it was a parody about reading poetry.

I half expected John Cleese to break in with the classic Monty Python sketch interruption and say “ok that’s enough of that…and now for something completely different“…..and go on to the fish slapping dance.

Oh if only…….


Still keeping with today’s 1970 diary entry and I made an interesting comment that the evenings were getting longer, as we say at this time of year, and that it was still bright at 6pm. Now I’m not sure if that was youthful exaggeration or an outright fib but I know I needed my car headlights on at 4pm today when I was out and about.  The official sunset time was 4:27pm but being an overcast day, that was pretty irrelevant. I know it was pitch black at 6pm for sure.

I know we all seem to recall our summer holidays back in the day as being full of long, sunny days but maybe we really did have longer winter days too. Damn you, global warming; you’re taking daylight hours from us as well !


I only found out today that The X-Files returns for a 6 part mini series on Sunday with David Duchovny and Jillian Anderson reprising their roles as Fox Mulder and Dana Scully.

The original series ran from 1993-2002 and was the longest running sci-fi show in US tv history.  I thought it was very much a hit or miss series but I probably watched them all over the years and I also enjoyed the 2 full length movies.


I hope that, given the fact there will only be 6 episodes, that this new series will uphold the legacy of the original and be worth watching.


Being Friday, it was Chinese and a Movie evening at Daphne & Stephen‘s house. We did actually have Chinese this time and having eaten nothing since my morning porridge, I was more than ready for it.  I had Chinese roast pork in OK sauce with thin noodles and it was delish. My new favourite meal.

As for the movie, well after a bit of discussion we scrapped watching “The Danish Girl” and went back to an old one that D&S hadn’t seen before – “Love Actually“.

love actually (1)

I’d enjoyed it at the time (2003) as the UK cast was stellar and it was written by Richard Curtis who could do no wrong back then. Watching it again tonight I enjoyed it only for a chance to see the late, great Alan Rickman once again.

I guess my movie tastes are evolving a little differently from most as I enter my senior citizen years.

I’m more into Tarantino than Curtis !